Event honoring Zurab Zhvania's 60th anniversary to be held on December 9

04.12.23 17:40

An event dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Zurab Zhvania, a prominent Georgian politician who served as Prime Minister and Parliament Speaker, will take place in the legislative body on December 9.
Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili announced on Monday.


Zurab Zhvania will be posthumously awarded the Parliamentary Order of Freedom for his significant contributions to the Georgian parliamentarism.


“The 60th anniversary of Zurab Zhvania will be commemorated on December 9 of this year. We are planning a celebration to honour his contributions. Zurab Zhvania served as a member of the Parliament for three convocations, held the position of Parliament’s chairman for two convocations, and served as Prime Minister of Georgia.


His significant contributions greatly contributed to Georgian parliamentarism. He played a pivotal role in systematizing legislative processes and strengthening the parliament’s supervisory functions.
Therefore, on December 9, in the hall named after Shota Rustaveli, an event dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Zurab Zhvania will take place,” the Speaker declared.




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