Giga Bokeria: The parties of Geneva negotiations are only Russia and Georgia - this was a principled position for us and it should be a principled position for the current government

01.12.23 14:50

The parties of Geneva negotiations are only Russia and Georgia - this was a principled position for us and it should be a principled position for the current government, the leader of the European Georgia party, Giga Bokeria, stated, responding to the online meeting between the former chairman of the government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, current member of the Supreme Council, Vakhtang Kolbaya, and the "secretary" of the so-called security council of occupied Abkhazia, Sergey Shamba.


According to Bokeria, the term "separated regions" is the inertia of the 90s.


"In the statement of the representatives of the executive power of Georgia regarding the Geneva format, you can see that the Georgian government states that Georgia, Russia, OSCE, European Union, United Nations, USA are participating in these negotiations and also the term of separated regions is used - representatives of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali. This statement on the part of our government is a demonstration, in my opinion, of the approach that they have to this challenge - this is tantamount to national betrayal of Georgia. The term separated regions is an inertia of the 90s and the task of the national government of Georgia was and should be in the future to replace it with a real assessment that these are territories occupied by Russia. Along with this, only Russia and Georgia are parties to the Geneva negotiations. It was a principled position for us and it should be a principled position for the current government. To emphasize, they are there formally, with a personal status, and not as representatives of these regions and any entities. Our vision was and should be, when we have a government of national interests, that they are simply part of the Russian delegation. Any other move proves the line that Russia needs, "this is a conflict primarily between Georgians and Abkhazians, Georgians and Ossetians," that they are a party. In response to journalists' questions, they said once or twice that "they are trying to establish the term occupied". If you are trying to establish this, why should you use the term that you want to change?" Bokeria said.




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