According to Shalva Papuashvili, the Venice Commission will not prepare a conclusion regarding the so-called de-oligarchization action plan

03.10.23 10:40

According to the Speaker of the Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, the Venice Commission will not prepare a conclusion regarding the so-called de-oligarchization action plan.


As Papuashvili explained at the session of the Bureau, the reason for this is that the de-oligarchization action plan is not a legal document or a law.


"We sent the so-called de-oligarchization action plan to the Venice Commission on the advice and request of the European Commission. We also said that it was a little strange to ask the Venice Commission for a conclusion regarding the action plan. And so it happened - we received a response from the Venice Commission that since this is not a legal document or law, they will not be able to prepare a conclusion on the issue.


The same request was made for Moldova, which also sent a plan to the Venice Commission. I communicated with my colleagues in Dublin, including Moldovan colleagues, and it seems that there will not be a conclusion of the Venice Commission on the action plan," Papuashvili said at the meeting of the Parliament's Bureau.


According to him, at the end of this week, the conclusion of the Venice Commission on the planned changes in the law "On General Courts", which was submitted to the Bureau for initiation today, will be announced. Accordingly, as Papuashvili said, the Parliament will start discussing the mentioned changes from next week.


In addition, the draft amendments to the "Electoral Code", provisions related to the Anti-Corruption Bureau, as well as the Personal Data Protection Service and the Special Investigation Service, have been sent to the Venice Commission. According to Papuashvili, the Venice Commission has asked for more time to prepare a report on the mentioned issues, and the Commission's report will be released at the beginning of December.




source: IPN 

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