Education Ministry delays skills tests for leading, mentor teacher status upgrade

02.06.23 16:00

Registration for the qualification test to upgrade to leading and mentor teacher status has been delayed until early 2024, according to a decision made by the Georgian Minister of Education and Science, Giorgi Amilakhvari.


The minister stated he had held many meetings and listened to teachers’ concerns and desires since his appointment.


“Our primary goal is to improve the education quality, foremost with the recognition and appreciation of a teacher’s profession, and creation of decent working conditions,” he said.


Giorgi Amilakhvari explained that registration had been postponed in order to conduct a thorough analysis and reach appropriate conclusions based on a long-term, systematic approach.


“Naturally, a teacher’s professional development is the process of their daily activities. Therefore, it is important for us that teachers constantly have full support from all segments of the system. They should also have a versatile annual opportunity to advance their careers according to their interests,” he said.



source: 1TV

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