Georgia neutral, unbiased mediator in Azerbaijan-Armenia relationship, PM says

20.01.23 10:00

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili participated in World Economic Forum’s session on ‘Eurasia’s Middle Corridor: From Pathway to Highway‘, reviewing Georgia’s investment climate.


Asked about how to get long-lasting peace in South Caucasus, The PM went on to say that regarding the relationship between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Georgia is “truly a neutral, unbiased, objective mediator.”


“What president Aliyev mentioned this is truly our interest to organize a trilateral meeting because this region belongs to us, belongs to Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia and we really can transform this region into regional opportunities – peace, stability and prosperity,” he underscored.
At the end of the session, the PM recalled a phrase famous in the soviet time, and the cold war – Trust But Verify, but in Davos, Garibashvili said  that he heard “an interesting formula – Distrust But Cooperate.”



source: 1TV

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