Lost roe deer returned to Georgia’s Machakhela National Park

06.08.19 15:30

Employees of Environmental Supervision Department and regional reintroduced a lost roe deer back into Machakhela National Park on July 31.


Machakhela Park Director Giorgi Kuridze said hounds had made the roe deer run from the forest.


Locals spotted it in the village of Tkhilnari and informed the Supervision Department.


There are many species of animals in the protected areas of Georgia. Camera traps often capture them.


Earlier in June a camera trap of the Agency of Wildlife caught a badger on one of its sites.


Since the cameras were installed a range of creatures have been filmed including deer, roe deer, ibex, boar, wild cats, wolves, jackals, lynx, fox, marten, mouse, birds and more.



source: AGENDA/

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