Carl Hartzell: I welcome very much the news that came last night on the decision of the European Court of Human Rights to take a role in this, I would call on all to respect this decision

11.11.21 15:30

I welcome very much the news that came last night on the decision of the European Court of Human Rights to take a role in this. I think is very important and a promising first step towards finding a more consensual way forward, EU Ambassador to Georgia Carl Hartzell told reporters.


According to him, the decision of the European Court of Human Rights is a balanced approach which will hopefully lead to a situation where things can start moving forward.


“As we know this interim measure that was produced is also making some demands, first with regard to urging Mr. Saakashvili to end this hunger strike, and in parallel, a call, a decision, which is binding on the authorities, to make sure that his safety is provided for, that his health situation is provided for, that he receives the right type of treatment. And all of this should be reported back to the Court within a deadline set on the 24th of November. I think it is a balanced approach which will hopefully lead to a situation where things can start moving forward in addressing some of the key issues, not everything that I've mentioned, and arguably the most acute issue with regard to the health and safety situation of Mr. Saakashvili. So I would call on all to respect this decision and act as quickly as possible in order to see it implemented”, said the Ambassador.



source: IPN 

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